Duke of Rothesay Information


VENUE: Duke of Rothesay  LA3 2UP



  • You will need to collect your race number from the Duke of Rothesay from 9.30am, please wear it on the front of your shirt.
  • Limited parking is available at the venue, or at the country park (400m walk) or at the car park opposite the Hlaf Moon Bay cafe where there is a small charge £2 per day.
  • Toilets are available at the venue.
  • There will be a limited baggage drop at the venue. Please leave your bags in your car or travel light.


The Race: 

  • The start is at 11am on the promenade by the cafe.
  • Please observe safe distancing at all gathered areas.
  • Please keep to the left on the course unless otherwise directed.
  • Be aware of safe distancing on the course, particularly when overtaking.
  • Sealed bottles of water will be available at the start/finish area and at the water stations on the course.
  • Please collect your medal at the self-service point at the end of the finish funnel.
  • A route map for each event can be found on our website or at:  https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5876519947

The 5k turn is at 1.55 miles along the course (near Whinnesty Road) and the 10k turn is at 3.1 miles along the course (just before the Midland Hotel) 


First Aid:

  • A First Aid post will be located near the start/finish area.
  • If you need attention on the course, please speak to the nearest marshal who will notify the medics.



  • Manual times will be used for this event. 
  • Initial results will be published on our website within 48 hours of the event. If you have any queries about the results contact  steve@runpreston.com by midnight on Tuesday following the event .
  • Finalised results will be sent to Power of 10 and Run Britain on Wednesday after the event.


Family and Friends:

  • Please support your athlete at a safe distance from the general public at the start/finish area and around the course.
  • Please follow the codes of conduct for Runners & Spectators



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